Saturday, December 19, 2015

Time Pass Mani Jokes

Pooja had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the Pooja.
Palaniappan: Why are you crying? 
Jayaraj: The elephant is dead. 
Palaniappan: Was he your pet? 
Jeyaraj: No, but I'm the one who must dig his grave. 
Teacher: "Nick, what is the past participle of the verb to ring?" 
Mani: "What do you think it is, Sir?" 
Teacher: "I don't think, I KNOW!" 
Mani: "I don't think I know either, Sir!"
 A teacher asked a student to write 55. 
Mani asked: How? 
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5! 
Main wrote 5 and stopped. 
teacher: What are you waiting for? 
Mani: I don't know which side to write the other 5! 
Son: Dad, what is an idiot? 
Mani: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me? 
Son: No.
Mani: I could go to the end of the world for you. 
Manimozhi Devi: Yes, but would you stay there?
Mani: I offer you myself.
Manimozhi Devi: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.
Mani: I want to share everything with you.
Manimizhi Devi: Let's start from your bank account. 
Teacher: Why are you late? 
Mani: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. 
Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? 
Mani: No. I was standing on it. 

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